Effective foundation solutions
The word foundation is a timeless metaphor of strength and security, and people quite naturally have genuine concerns about the foundations on which their homes rest. For this reason, people need to be educated about foundations in general and specific types in particular, and I include such information in every report.

water management
The foundation of a house is a somewhat invisible and sometimes ignored component of the building. It is increasingly evident; however, that attention to good foundation design and construction has significant benefits to the homeowner and the builder, and can avoid some serious future problems.
The primary reason behind the current interest in foundation design and construction is related to energy conservation, although in some areas radon control is also a primary concern. Today’s
prospective home buyers are increasingly demanding healthy, energy-efficient homes that will provide the most comfort for their families at a reasonable price. In the past, the initial cost and the monthly mortgage payment were the critical criteria considered. Now, with rising energy costs, operating
expenses are also a prime consideration and exert a major influence upon the more educated home buyer’s decision. Home buyers want a home they can not only afford to buy—they want one they can also afford to live in.
Other Foundation Design Issues While saving energy may be the primary reason for understanding good foundation design practices, there are other related benefits. For example, insulating any type of foundation is likely to result in warmer floors during winter in above-grade spaces, thus improving comfort as well as reducing energy use. Insulating basement foundations creates more comfortable conditions in below-grade space as well, making it more usable for a variety of purposes at a relatively
low cost. Raising basement temperatures by using insulation can also reduce condensation,
thus minimizing problems with mold and mildew.
My Home Inspection report detail out a narrative of each individual foundation issues raised or slab foundation.